
Showing posts from December, 2023

Healing Is Hard

  It's Time It's time to stop hurting Our own selves When we expect the door  To stay open for us For it to only Slam back in our faces.  Filling our vessel with anything  That is less than the whole  Becomes a thing of our yesterday's when we, Live for heaven And for our dreams. Accept what is  And accept ourselves, too Believe in the good And believe there is goodness still around. Do you ever wish someone could see Your soul laid bare? Or the blood splatters trickling downwards From the rogue arrow That riddled your heart? Do you wish they'd see what they're about to lose?  Open the gate to your heart And don't hold back because Fear will be your greatest enemy, When you let it take you for a prisoner In a war you didn't wager on When you let it eat away at the power Of grace and gentleness that you possess. Do you ever just want someone  To swoop in and save you  From the perils of life?  Strap you on their back and  Promise to ...

Christmas Letter for Twenty Twenty-Three

  Merry Christmas to All !     Well, it is that time of year again! Christmas letter exchanging time. I had the notion to skip out on this years letter but alas! I ended up finding the smallest dose of courage to mix something together. So as I write, it's basically the tedious baking process and hopefully this ties together at the end like a perfect meringue on a nice and tart lemon pie. Speaking of which, I do not like lemon pie. Anyway-- here goes nothing... Entering 2023 was a cinch. However, the year of hopeful prosperity didn't exactly obey my command and instead of flitzing through it I slowly dredged along. Friends gathered in my apartment there in little, Inman, Kansas and we celebrated the new year with games and party mix after a divine supper at Abuelo's in Wichita.  February brought an enjoyable trip to Florida over Valentine's Day or Galentine's Day, as it's written in my books. I flew into Tampa with my wonderful friend, Meredith, who ...

Can't Change It

I was there in the solitude of the night. There in the laundry room at work. It was 5:30a.m. and I was doing my least favorite duty for such an hour. Folding cleaning rags. Boo. I've worked here in Idaho for nearly 7 months now and so it's no surprise that I feel like I have a personal relationship with EACH rag. I'm gonna be very blunt here but a lot of times while I'm folding rags I'm inwardly thumping my brain 🧠 and saying repeatedly how much I despise this task. Why can't I be at home in bed? Alarm clock set at 6 so I can hop out of bed and cook my Prince Charming pancakes and eggs before he dashes off into the morning to provide for me while I stay home and make it homey for all. 🙄 Or why can't I be on a 7 month excursion to South Eastern Asia, wining and dining? Or why can't I be an accomplished writer already on a book tour in Seattle where the coffee is always hot?  Do you ever just feel a little behind the mark? Or like me, flights...

Lovely Love

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ [13] And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 💜 ..."but the greatest of these is love." Hello, loves! How are you on this wonderful Wednesday? I've had the topic of love on my mind a lot lately. How we express it and perceive it. Perhaps, you've heard about the 5 love languages: Acts of Service, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Quality Time. My top two are gifts and quality time. What are yours? If you don't know check out the book on them! It's so good.  Love is such a meaningful part of life and we all need it. Love is more than just saying those 3 little words, I love you. Although that is an awesome way to express it and should be expressed often in my opinion. 😘 Oh, but there are vast amounts of ways to extend love to others!  "I left the light on for you." "Did you make it home safe?" "I brought you a coffee." A backrub...

Poems on a Monday

Hello, good morning or good afternoon! Perhaps, good evening? Wherever this post finds you, I hope it finds you well. Today's post is really quite simple, just some poems I've conjured up in the night. Well, the first two are from tonight and the third one is an older one.  I realize my poetry style isn't for everyone but I am not for everybody either. I write what I know and what is on my heart. My style can tend to reflect the hard times and the grief but I hope it can reflect hope and life, too. I know that the writings and works of others have so deeply inspired me and I know that if my writing can help or resonate with another it will have been worth it.  Take care of you today and carry onward. Always remember you are so very loved!  --  ginger ✨ A Warriors Heritage  Deaths solemn embrace Found her lost again. Beguiled to remember things She ought to have forgotten. Her earnest wish was to see the morrow And challenge another sunset For the sun...

Pray a Latte

Good Morning!  I don't have MUCH for wisdom, encouragement or inspiration this morning. But what I do have is this coffee cup and it's full with Death Wish coffee, caramel sauce and milk. Plus, it reads a very worthwhile scripture. 🙏🏽  It's a Friday that feels more like a Monday to me! Hip hop hooray for December 1 has arrived and it came with more fluffy, white, sparkling wishes from the sky. Definitely, gonna use this day to soak up as much prayer time with my Jesus as possible. There is a lot to pray about! Isn't it cool how we always have access to Him? The phone lines are always open and He's readily available to listen to us. I bet He even smiles as He hears each childs voice.  If you're discouraged, He's listening. If you're exhausted, He's listening.  If you've got exciting news, He's listening. If you've got a heart full of praise, you guessed it, He's listening!  We have access to a storehouse of power, ability, and hope w...

Welcome to The Enchanting Chaos!

Well, Hi There!  Hey, hey everybody! Look who finally created a personal blog?! It's been long anticipated, I know! Since I am new at creating blogging content, I decided to go with an easy blog app to begin with. Also, it's free and I'm poor so.... Yeah! 🫠 Anyways, I'm glad you're here and I hope you enjoy the thoughts and inspirations I want to share with you!  Writing is my #1 passion. As a young woman who doesn't seem to have many talents that I'm aware of, writing is certainly one talent I can acknowledge I'm blessed by and something I've loved doing every since I first picked up a pencil and learned how to write. Writing is an expressive art form through words that become stories and stories that can become a playground of possibility and hope. You know how you get lost in a book or a painting? I get lost in writing!  What's in a Name?  You might be curious to know what my inspiration for the title of my blog is. And you may no...