Poems on a Monday

Hello, good morning or good afternoon! Perhaps, good evening? Wherever this post finds you, I hope it finds you well. Today's post is really quite simple, just some poems I've conjured up in the night. Well, the first two are from tonight and the third one is an older one. 

I realize my poetry style isn't for everyone but I am not for everybody either. I write what I know and what is on my heart. My style can tend to reflect the hard times and the grief but I hope it can reflect hope and life, too. I know that the writings and works of others have so deeply inspired me and I know that if my writing can help or resonate with another it will have been worth it. 

Take care of you today and carry onward.
Always remember you are so very loved! 

ginger ✨

A Warriors Heritage 

Deaths solemn embrace
Found her lost again.
Beguiled to remember things
She ought to have forgotten.
Her earnest wish was to see the morrow
And challenge another sunset
For the sunrise would be hers.
Her duty as a warrior
To combat many a sorrow.
To contest wrongdoing.
To save future generations.
But haunts took her for a prisoner, 
Binding her in chains,
What was once free
And here lay she
But faultless.
Garments washed richly in hope
Turned tattered and torn.

One more breath,
Is there one more breath
Left within? 
She is unapologetically a daughter
Of a great heritage,
Of many warriors
Who burned fear at it's gate
With a flame of subtle triumph.
Who rode stallions
Through the night
Captivating with every stride
And taking back their glory. 
Cold, fragile fingers 
Grip the bars
Of a cell cemented in shame.
The metal to her touch
Like a stab wound
To the gut.
Pressing her face 
Between the cage
She lets tears stream down
Down, down, down. 
She lets out a wail
She shakes herself upright
Up, up, up. 

A warriors battle cry,
"You will not have me"
This is her battle cry,
This is her battle cry. 
"The people that I come from
Are not held within chains
For they shatter them
Like the glass tragedy reflects in"  
This is her battle cry,
This is her battle cry. 

Ricochet off the prison bars
The strongest strength within her. 
Ricochet off the knowing of who
She comes from
Out of the penitentiary of brokenness.
She will stay,
Risen there
And stand firm.
For the sunrise will be hers.
The sunrise will be beautiful.
Stepping into a garment of
Unadulterated resiliency.
She will not fight with loathing.
She will fight with brilliancy.
With love. 
And courage.

"I will never give up" 
Our warriors battle cry. 
Darkness may scuff the heel of 
Her hope 
But the light within her will not falter
Nor fail her.
A streaming of tears may flow 
But for a moment 
Evaporating into laughter
For she knows who she really is. 
She's the warrior of warriors.
She doesn't stay down.
She doesn't stay locked in.
She breaks out.
She shatters chains. 
She acclaims her heritage. 
And her battle cry will be heard today.
And it will be heard throughout tomorrow.
Until many generations.

Deaths solemn embrace
Found her lost once. 
Life's dignified power.
Brought her back again. 

I Try 

I try to be who my momma taught me to be,
To be masterful yet kind,
Bold yet just sensitive enough.
To be humble with beauty
Letting the inner really shine.
Chin up but not too high
To sing with my voice aloud
And praise with my hands. 

I try to be who my daddy brought me up to be,
To be his little girl always
But with just enough mud between
Her ruffles.
Strong but know when to ask for help,
Laugh with my entire heart
Yet sit still with starry-eyed wonder
On a summer night.
To hold a hand
And be a friend. 

I try to be who my grandma dreamed I could be,
Staring fear in its face
And tell it "not today!", 
To nurture what's broken 
And bring a little joy
To someone in need. 
See beauty for all that it can be
Even in dull circumstances. 
Travel far, travel wide,
Never forgetting the pathway home. 

I try every day to be a girl,
In which my family would be proud.
I try to imagine what they'd say
If they saw the pain in my eyes
And heard the tremble
Between my words.
Scared to move forward
Without them
Yet scared to stay stuck.
To know I am human.
Often with a heart full of grief
Never fully wavering hope. 

If we had just one more moment
What would be their advice? 
To throw caution to the wind?
To pray louder?
To let it all out for
It's ok to cry.
Keep the determination
Of family gone on before?
Fight the good fight
But with gratitude and love
And never pride and hatred. 
Run wildly towards every dream
That sparkles in my mind. 

I try my best,
To wake up,
To show up
And smile
And stay.
If I can,
To encourage
Another when they've been hurt.
Bring an afternoon coffee.
Lift up my voice.
Hug the sad
Because I understand, too. 
Listen to the need
Because we all need to be heard. 
Write a sentiment so splendorous
Because you need to know
Because you need not forget 
How amazing you are
And truly can be! 

I try,
I try my best,
I try for my friends,
I try for my family,
I try for my faith,
I just try my best
To be me. 

The Unsaid 

As it has been said
We leave so much left unsaid
And I've always wondered why
Is it stubborn pride
Does it just miss the tip of our tongue
Before they walk out the door
Why don't we say the things we should say?
The "I love you's" 
The "I forgive you's" 
The "I appreciate you's"
The "I'm sorry's"
Is it the dreaded what if? 
What if it's rejected? 
What if it isn't reciprocated? 
Is it fear?
That keeps the unsaid unsaid?
Or the thought that 
There's always tomorrow
I'll call them tomorrow 
I'll see them tomorrow
Tomorrow is never promised
This we know
But we hold onto an unpromised promise
That it'll meet us in the morning
I'll do it later
There's always later
Until it's too late
And life
Yes, life is crazy
And we are human beings
For goodness sake
We aren't machines
We get so busy
We get so tied up in knots
And we forget
Not always by intent
But busy is a thief 
A thief of time
And time is precious
Time is a gift 
From your very own life
That you can never get back 
We get to choose
How we'll use it
Who we'll use it on
How we'll spend it
But we will never get it back
I've left so many things
So many
I love you's
I forgive you's
I appreciate you's
I'm sorry's
Thank you's
The goodbye's
I wish you were here's
You're beautiful's
Your love matter's
And they lay waiting
At the door 
Like a starryeyed
And then the ones
That so desperately
Needed to hear it
So soon
Too soon
I didn't know
It would be the last time
The last chance
A good word said
Is like a kiss to the heart
A hug to the soul
A bandaid to the wound
A skip to the foot
And I'm not saying
We don't try
I'm not saying
We don't have the best intentions
I'm just saying
No, I'm begging you
Tell them
Your babies
Your partner
Your parents
Your friends
Your people
Just tell them 
What is on your heart
The tip of your tongue
Before they walk out the door
I'm just saying that
You'll never regret it

I never got to say goodbye to
My sweet, sweet daddy
Or that I love you so
Or that I'd meet him on the other side
I never got to tell my mom
I'm sorry 
I know you tried your hardest 
I never got to tell her thank you
I never took the phone call 
From my friend
Who called to say
The fight here on earth with the cancer 
Is done 
And we're going home 
She called to say goodbye
While my goodbye and
Thank you for being such a good
Friend to me
Shattered like glass from
A stray bullet 
And I was too busy
I listened to her message two days
After she went unresponsive 
I hold regret
In the palms of my hands
And I pray they knew
What I left unsaid


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