Christmas Letter for Twenty Twenty-Three
Merry Christmas to All!
Well, it is that time of year again! Christmas letter exchanging time. I had the notion to skip out on this years letter but alas! I ended up finding the smallest dose of courage to mix something together. So as I write, it's basically the tedious baking process and hopefully this ties together at the end like a perfect meringue on a nice and tart lemon pie. Speaking of which, I do not like lemon pie. Anyway-- here goes nothing...
Entering 2023 was a cinch. However, the year of hopeful prosperity didn't exactly obey my command and instead of flitzing through it I slowly dredged along. Friends gathered in my apartment there in little, Inman, Kansas and we celebrated the new year with games and party mix after a divine supper at Abuelo's in Wichita.
February brought an enjoyable trip to Florida over Valentine's Day or Galentine's Day, as it's written in my books. I flew into Tampa with my wonderful friend, Meredith, who is from Versailles, Missouri. I got to see Milton and Marge Koehn (originally from Versailles) who are at the Sarasota mission. Of course, I got to spend time with my bestie, Kelsea, too. As luck would have it, I got caught in an epic battle with the Coronavirus and it pretty much ruined the rest of my trip, in the physical and energy department anyways.
Stress, struggles and financial difficulty swallowed me up. I think every month I was sick or just mentally drained. I chugged along the best I could and continued my PRN status at the Moundridge Manor. I'm not gonna lie, all the walking and lifting, as great as exercise is, was killing my back and hips. I wondered if I needed to take a break but the idea of picking up and going somwhere else didn't really inspire me very much. I had recieved a few calls from Sagecrest up in Idaho about a night-shift position and at first I thought I wanted the change but then I just got downright confused! Eventually, I called them back with news that I was going to be a couple hours away in March and I would at least come check out their facility.
March came and it changed my life. I attended something called La Loba in Smithfield, Utah with 16 other women plus our 8 coaches. It was snowy and the drive there wasn't all easy but I managed. The weekend was 3 days long and focused on relational trauma for married/single women. I will forever be grateful to the life coaches that put on that weekend and continue to do so every 6 months! 2 hours away up in Idaho awaited my fate. The new job. I stayed at Troy and Jeana's in Hazelton for a couple days and checked out Sagecrest Assisted Living, located in Buhl. I have to admit I didn't really give it much thought and painstaking consideration but I sat there in the bosses office and told them I could come in a month. When I got back to Kansas and imagined packing up my life and moving it all the way to Idaho, I sighed and thought "what were you thinking??"
I adore long roadtrips. The longer the better in my opinion. Within days my life was stuffed into cardboard and totes and hauled off in a big, funny looking truck. My plants came and so did my cat, Sebastian. Christina Thomas from Durham, who is the beautiful granddaughter to Harold and Ruby Koehn was my tag along for the voyage. And Harold's followed us in the U-Haul. We stopped in Nebraska for night on the short day and then kicked it into high gear for the second day, driving 12 hours. By the way, I made sure we all stopped at this little coffee shop in Wyoming. It's called, Coal Train Coffee Depot and it's in Rock Springs if you're ever headed that direction. :)
I'm going to be 1,000% honest when I tell you that most of the 6/7 months have been torture at best. I knew it would be a challenge and even though I have lived away from "home-base" before there were two differing factors then before, 1. I was further away from the majority of my blended family connections and 2. Unlike my time in Florida there was no specified amount of time to stay here. So a valley of a million, little unknowns. The house where I am currently at is not too old and not too new. Kinda like Goldie Locks and the 3 was juuust right. I say it is just right but then what single spinster needs 4 bedrooms? I guess, one who is praying for a bunch of company? So, hey, come see me!
I didn't have some divine intervention or hear the voice of God telling me "Yes, Ginger, I, without a shadow of a doubt, want you to go to Idaho." I just knew when I thought about it and prayed that nothing solid in either direction came and since I didn't have good enough of an excuse to say "no", I said, "yes."
The job isn't challenging like the Manor nor is it as fulfilling yet there are several bonuses to the job here and those are: the fact that my back doesn't hurt anymore and I don't have as heavy a load right now. I do miss the Manor though! Another awesome bonus to being here is that I am 45 minutes away from Jeana and the kids! My heart-nieces and nephews. Mikel (5), Quinn (4), Coralee (1) and Anders (NB) fill my auntie-life with absolute joy! On occasion, we spend quality time in Twin Falls going to Dutch Bros, the park, Target or Barnes and Noble. I am the self-proclaimed, cool aunt and I think the kids will figure that out someday very soon. Ha!
Since being here in Buhl, my mental and emotional health have taken a detour. It has been very hard. I needed new medication and counsel and spent way too long not feeling like myself at all. This October, I went to Kansas and Missouri for 2 weeks and took in a friends wedding and a Singles Rally. I cherished the time. I even cried when my plane touched down in Wichita. I was home! I sorta hit rock bottom you could say when my trip was over but it is often darkest before the dawn, as they say and sure enough we eventually found the right kind of medication for my need and I am sooo happy to say that it is working wonderfully! No life-threatening side effects like there have been in the past, no crazy weight gain or seizure like side effects, nor crazy acne. The end of this year is truly going sooo well! It is the 3rd Christmas without my dear momma and the grief is ever real but I finally feel a little more festive, finally!
I am hosting a little Christmas party with a group of blended heart-family on the 22nd and the day after Christmas I hope to do some crafts with the kids, then the day after that go to Sun Valley, the Lord willing. I work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Pray for me!! -- I am being that obnoxious New Years resolution seeker and I'm ambitious of crushing some goals in 2024. I've got my sights on good things!
Before I close my letter, I should also add that my little sister, JoAnn, had a baby on November the 15th. It's a boy and his name is Ezra. Ezra makes me an auntie through blood for the first time. I was blessed to be able to attend my sisters baby shower in August and help my sister get some last minute items for baby. I hope to visit them sometime in 2024.
I'm probably forgetting 702 insights about my year that may or may not be more of a highlight to read about compared to what is above but I hope this letter finds you well all the same. Wishing you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and an amazing 2024! Remember: God has got you, you're chosen and Y.O.U. are sooo loved!
--ginger ✨
P.S. I apologize for any typos, I despise editing.
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