Lovely Love

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬
[13] And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 💜

..."but the greatest of these is love." Hello, loves! How are you on this wonderful Wednesday? I've had the topic of love on my mind a lot lately. How we express it and perceive it. Perhaps, you've heard about the 5 love languages: Acts of Service, Gifts, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Quality Time. My top two are gifts and quality time. What are yours? If you don't know check out the book on them! It's so good. 

Love is such a meaningful part of life and we all need it. Love is more than just saying those 3 little words, I love you. Although that is an awesome way to express it and should be expressed often in my opinion. 😘 Oh, but there are vast amounts of ways to extend love to others! 

"I left the light on for you."
"Did you make it home safe?"
"I brought you a coffee."
A backrub.
A long hug.
A wink.
"I saved you a seat."
"I brought you flowers."
"You're beautiful"
Making them cookies.
Bringing a random gift. 
Washing the dishes. 

God created so many unique ways to express love. Isn't it wonderful? One thing I've wanted to manifest lately into my love language is: meeting people where they are. It's actually been hard for me to do, as often as I should, which sounds gnarly because I have been met by so many people in my life where I am at. When I was too sad to speak, too tired to take care of myself, too stubborn to act reasonably, hurting loved ones because I was hurting so deeply. So many people in my life over the years have met me in my dismay and darkness and gently held my hand while they walked alongside me. They could've left, they could've walked away... They had every right to give up on me ... But they didn't. 

Isn't that what Christ does for us? Every day? He meets us where we are .... soaring thru the sky or battle torn in the middle of nowhere. Lost and confused, broken and bruised. He sits with us in quietness when we feel too weak to stand and when we are ready he fills us with his strength and slowly stands up with us. Walks at our pace and doesn't demand anything from us. He delights in our delights and I believe he claps and laughs and smiles when we are at our best through his love and guidance. 

Let's remember be there for others. To meet them exactly where they are because we need to be met there too. To love someone through the highs and lows, through the "no matter what's," is perhaps the most beautiful form of love you can give. 

If you can give a hug, give it. If you can say a word of encouragement, say it. If you can sweep a floor, sweep it. If you can sit in the silence, sit there. 

You will absolutely never regret giving as much love away as you can in this lifetime. It often ricochets off the hearts of many and back to our own hearts!!! 

....and remember God's got you! And you're sooo loved! 



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