Save The Last Dance For Me
Save The Last Dance For Me I will never be a perfect follower of my precious and perfect Jesus. Super-duper thing about knowing this is knowing my Jesus prefers progress over perfection. If we were perfect, we would have no need of him and we most certainly need him. We need a savior, a best friend with unlimited talk time, a superior cheerleader throughout our lives, a father figure who binds up wounds and carries us. Interesting fun fact: I grew up with an almost innate belief that God loved me. Like it just made total sense despite how crazy my life wasn't until I was older that I began to believe that I needed to earn his love and protection. That I needed to be perfect and cross off so and so many boxes of accomplishments before the great teacher would look on me and reward me. I strove to make sure my prayers were just right...tried my hardest to make them sound like other peoples poetic prayers...I just couldn't do it. So there was that...the beginning of the e...